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Forum: Soldier's forum

Im traveling for the first time

Hello everyone, I just graduated from university last week and will travel outside the USA for the first time. I am incredibly excited and can't wait to experience a different culture. I am going to Brazil, I am sure many of you have traveled there already. I wanted to give a huge shoutout to the Kurt Caz community, as watching Kurt and Mulvey's content opened my eyes to Latin America. I hope to learn much on my trip such as Portuguese and general life advice. I have been watching traveling videos and keeping an eye on the forum, I am glad for the community that we have built. I hope this community keeps growing I absolutely love the content, comments, and having a group of like-minded people in one place. I hope everyone has a great year traveling in 2024, and I'm excited to begin my traveling experience, and of course to learn more about the world!

I know it sounds very generic but I would like to invite y'all to comment on this post with any advice you have for me, how to make the most of my experience, and how to be safe obviously. I am not a fan of checking luggage so I plan to bring a backpack of essentials, and maximize space by folding clothes, and buying everything I need there. I plan on using Uber to get around as well as walking.

What are some things you look for on the street? What are some good tips to talk yourself out of situations? What are some of the factors you take into consideration knowing who to trust and who not to trust? Should I keep a dummy wallet and phone? Any general advice for me? (regards to traveling doesn't have to be safety) Everything is appreciated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
21 Dec, 2023

Comments (2)

Good luck mate, I'm sure you'll enjoy it. Great shout with the small backpack of clothes - you can just replace stuff when you need to. It's a lot cheaper to do this abroad than in the US generally.

I'd say don't stress too much about taking dummy wallets and stuff. Being mugged is very rare. I've never even come close and I've been travelling for 4 years non-stop now. When you're out drinking, that's when you'll probably encounter issues like mugging. You're probably not going to be wandering through shitholes at night without being drunk I'd assume.

In LATAM just beware of girls who normally definitely wouldn't be interested in you, being super interested in you. Especially in Colombia. If it's too good to be true, it probably is.

Uber works very well, avoid taxis in every country if possible.

Anybody who shouts 'AMIGO' at you, is not your amigo. They're probably going to try to rip you off.

Always know the exchange rate to USD in your head and if something is far more expensive than it would be at home - they're ripping you off because you're foreign. Walk away and find somebody who isn't trying to rip off tourists. They deserve your money more.

Enjoy mate. 🫡
23 Dec, 2023
1 1

Good luck mate, I'm sure you'll enjoy it. Great shout with the small backpack of clothes - you can just replace stuff when you need to. It's a lot che...
I appreciate all the words! I'm in Brazil now and having a great time! I was 100% more stressed than I needed to be common sense goes a long way. Uber has been great and very cheap, and the drivers have been amazing with great conversations too. I agree on the exchange rate I fell for that trap and got a shitty rate, that's the life you live and learn. I actually learned about the small backpack trip from you, I love it it's so much more stress-free not having luggage, and it is cheap to replace/buy what I need here. Anyway so far so good, I really enjoy the people and my time here, for anyone wondering if they should travel I would definitely recommend it (be smart ofc). Cheers yall
30 Dec, 2023

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